End of Sprint 4 (Final Demo)

We have now completed all the work we set out to do for a final demo.
Is there more work that could have been done? Yes, always, but we're happy with this current end product.

Changes / Additions:
- Player now throws a card, instead of a grey rectangle
- Slot cooldown indicator added
- Attack direction indicator added
- Poison and bleed stack indicators added, for both player and enemies
- Bat animations implemented
- Black hole suck doubled
- Target dummy health scaling with "damage" slot upgrades doubled
- Target dummy taunt indicator added (Improves clarity on both range and timing)

- "Intro cutscene" added
- New choice between the original large arena, and a new small arena
- New end/ stats screen
- New card designs implemented
- Pause menu added
- Options menu is now functional
- Improved clarity on slot upgrades
- Improved functionality of card info in the deck builder scene
- Card deselection added (No longer forced to throw a card)

- Wave spawning reworked
- - More flexible
- - Wave now loops to wave 5, instead of wave 1

Have a happy holiday and a new year. Thanks for the interest in Cardmancer <3

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